Patient Education Is Your Child Sick?® Is Your Child Sick...Abdominal Pain - FemaleAbdominal Pain - MaleAcneAnimal or Human BiteAntibiotics: When Do They Help?Anxiety AttackArm InjuryArm PainAsthma AttackAthlete's FootBack PainBed Bug BiteBee or Yellow Jacket StingBehavioral Health ProblemsBlistersBoilBottle-Feeding (Formula) QuestionsBreast Symptoms-ChildBreast Symptoms-TeenBreast-Feeding QuestionsBreath-holding SpellBreathing TroubleBronchiolitis-RSVBruises and CutsBurnChemical in eyeChest PainChickenpoxCircumcision ProblemsColdsColds (0-12 Months)ConstipationCoughCough (0-12 Months)Coughs: Meds or Home Remedies?COVID-19 Diagnosed or SuspectedCOVID-19 Exposure, But No SymptomsCOVID-19 or Influenza - How to TellCracked or Dry SkinCradle CapCroupCrying Baby - Before 3 Months OldCrying Child - 3 Months and OlderCut, Scrape, or BruiseDepressionDiaper RashDiarrheaDiarrhea (0-12 Months)Diarrhea Diseases from TravelDizzinessDrinking Fluids - DecreasedDry SkinEar - CongestionEar - DischargeEar - Pulling At or RubbingEar - Swimmer'sEar Infection QuestionsEar InjuryEar Piercing SymptomsEaracheEarwax BuildupEbola ExposureEczemaEmergency Symptoms Not to MissEye - AllergyEye - Chemical InEye - Foreign ObjectEye - Pus or DischargeEye - Red Without PusEye InjuryFaintingFeverFever - How to Take a Temperature (0-12 Months)Fever - How to Take the TemperatureFever - Myths Versus FactsFever (0-12 Months)Fifth Disease-Viral RashFinger InjuryFire Ant StingFluFluid Intake DecreasedFood AllergyForeskin Care QuestionsFrostbiteGenital Injury - FemaleGenital Injury - MaleHair LossHand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease-Viral RashHay FeverHead InjuryHead LiceHeadacheHeat Exposure and ReactionsHeat RashHivesHoarsenessHuman or Animal BiteImmunization ReactionsImpetigo - Infected SoresInfection Exposure QuestionsInfluenza - SeasonalInfluenza ExposureInsect BiteJaundiced NewbornJellyfish StingJock ItchLeg InjuryLeg PainLice - HeadLymph Nodes - SwollenMedicine - Refusal to TakeMenstrual CrampsMenstrual Period - Missed or LateMental Health ProblemsMolluscumMosquito BiteMosquito-Borne Diseases from TravelMotion SicknessMouth InjuryMouth UlcersNeck Pain or StiffnessNewborn Appearance QuestionsNewborn Illness - How to RecognizeNewborn Rashes and BirthmarksNewborn Reflexes and BehaviorNose Allergy (Hay Fever)Nose InjuryNosebleedPanic AttackPenis-Scrotum Symptoms-ChildPenis-Scrotum Symptoms-TeenPinwormsPoison Ivy - Oak - SumacPuncture WoundRash or Redness - LocalizedRash or Redness - WidespreadReflux (Spitting Up)RingwormRoseola-Viral RashRSV-BronchiolitisScabies-Itch Mite RashScorpion StingScrapeSexually Transmitted InfectionsSinus Pain or CongestionSkin Foreign ObjectSkin InjurySkin LumpSliver or SplinterSolid Foods (Baby Foods)Sore ThroatSpider BiteSpitting Up - RefluxSTI ExposureStomach Pain - FemaleStomach Pain - MaleStools - Blood InStools - Unusual ColorStrep Throat ExposureStrep Throat InfectionStySunburnSuture QuestionsSwallowed Foreign ObjectSwallowed Harmless SubstanceSwimmer's Itch - Lakes and OceansTear Duct - BlockedTeethingThrushTick BiteToe InjuryToenail - IngrownTooth InjuryToothacheTrouble BreathingUmbilical Cord SymptomsUrinary Tract Infection - FemaleUrination Pain - FemaleUrination Pain - MaleVaginal BleedingVaginal Symptoms-ChildVaginal Symptoms-TeenVomiting (0-12 Months)Vomiting With DiarrheaVomiting Without DiarrheaWartsWeakness and FatigueWheezing (Other Than Asthma)Wound Infection Medicine Dosages Medicine Dosages...Answers About Complementary and Integrative Medicine—Autism ToolkitChoosing Over-the-Counter Medicines for Your ChildComplementary and Integrative Medicine: What Parents Need to KnowGiving Medicine to Children: Important Safety InformationMedicine and the Media: How to Make Sense of the MessagesPrescription Medicines and Your ChildUse of Medicines in Sports (Care of the Young Athlete)Using Liquid MedicinesUsing Over-the-Counter Medicines with Your ChildAcetaminophenCold MedicinesCough MedicinesIbuprofenItching/AllergiesGiving Eye drops to your ToddlerMedications, Administration ofHow Asthma Medicines Are Taken Medical Library Behavior Breastfeeding Emergencies Growth and Development Helpful Links Medical Conditions Mental Health Mental Health Resources for Veterans Newborns Nutrition Parenting Tips Safety Special Needs Sports & Exercise Teens What's Going Around